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National Press Club calls on the Malaysian Government to immediately stop intimidating Australian and Al Jazeera Journalists

The Board of National Press Club of Australia calls on the democratically elected government of Malaysia to immediately cease its criminal investigation into five Australian journalists and one Al Jazerra journalist over its short documentary 101 East about migrant workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Full story:

The Board of National Press Club of Australia calls on the democratically elected government of Malaysia to immediately cease its criminal investigation into five Australian journalists and one Al Jazerra journalist over its short documentary on 101 East about migrant workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

These journalists are facing the serious prospect of jail time in Malaysia for this well-balanced documentary which is in the international public interest.

The investigation includes allegations of defamation, sedition and violation of the country’s Communications and Multimedia Act.

The allegation of sedition is cause for serious concern for press freedom as sedition implies that these journalists are acting in a way that promotes  insurrection and are seeking to destabilise the state.

Nothing could be further from truth.  These journalists are just doing their job reporting on the issue of the year.

The Malaysian government is within its rights to question the accuracy of the AJE documentary - and the club notes Al Jazeera offered several government ministers the opportunity to be interviewed before the program aired. But to now allege their reporting amounts to an incitement or subversion is incredibility dangerous for journalists and press freedom, and totally inaccurate.  

NPCA President, Sabra Lane, says “Malaysia should immediately drop its investigation, as these journalists were simply doing their job and they should be respected for their important work”.

The intimidation of journalists by claiming seditious behaviour and criminality  is an anathema to democracy and media freedom.


For and on behalf of the Board


Maurice Reilly

Chief Executive

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