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Corporate Membership

Build a profile in the nation’s capital and position your organisation amongst the political elite, investigators, storytellers and culture shapers of our nation.

The National Press Club of Australia proudly partners with organisations that share our commitment to quality, independent journalism. 

Aligning your brand with the National Press Club is an opportunity for unparalleled engagement in the Australian political debate and announces that your organisation is part of the business culture in Canberra. 

Corporate membership at the National Press Club signals that you are fully engaged with the political process and is an essential strategy to increase engagement in Canberra. 


The benefits of corporate membership are many and include:

  • Brand association with inclusion on our prestigious ‘Corporate Partners’ board and recognition on the National Press Club of Australia website;
  • Individual memberships for staff or clients;
  • Priority seating  and brand positioning with tickets to the iconic National Press Club Address throughout the year, plus table signage;
  • Placements at President’s Circle events, including the Post-Budget Address;
  • Opportunity to participate in the annual Corporate Gold Day alongside key political figures and senior journalists from the Canberra Press Gallery; 
  • Transcripts, DVD recordings and digital videos of National Press Club Addresses;
  • Priority notification of all ticketed events prior to public release; and
  • Reciprocal rights with press clubs around the world.

Make an enquiry

Contact us for further information about Corporate Membership/Sponsorship and Partnership – direct this to Contact us for further information about Corporate Membership/Sponsorship and Partnership – direct this to
Or give us a call on +61 2 6121 2199

Membership Benefits

Claim your front-row seat to the national conversation and explore the benefits of membership today.

Apply Now

Renew your membership

With your support The National Press Club of Australia continues to be the prestigious, influential institution it is today. 

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