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Journalism Awards

2022-23 NRI Excellence in IT Journalism Award

2022-23 NRI Excellence in IT Journalism Award

Application Deadline: Friday, 31 March 2023.

This Award is CLOSED FOR 2022 and will close on March 31st. 

The award recognises journalists who have contributed the best work on IT Journalism within a 12-month period.

Their journalism will have broadened community understanding of IT issues and/or events and explained or examined related policies, technologies, trends and/or personnel in their chosen medium.

Submissions may be in any media form and the topics may include:

  • IT leaders
  • Cyber security
  • IT innovation and trends
  • IT technology issues – government and business
  • IT technology issues – consumer
  • Safeguarding data



Applicants are required to disclose if their entry or related journalism is or has been subject to any form of litigation such as claims for defamation or libel etc.
In any event, applicants will indemnify the National Press Club, its judges and corporate partners from any claim for damages and other financial settlements awarded by a court

The Award is proudly supported by NRI.


2022 NRI Excellence in IT Journalism Award

Applicant's information

Submission Details

    2022-23 NRI Excellence in IT Journalism Award Winners


    Mitchell Bingemann

    The Australian


    John McDuling

    AFR Weekend


    Max Mason



    Max Mason



    Justin Hendry

    IT News


    Julian Bajkowski

    The Mandarin

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