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The Hon Scott Morrison MP

Address to the National Press Club

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The Hon Scott Morrison MP was sworn in as Australia’s 30th Prime Minister on 24 August 2018. He has previously served as Treasurer, Minister for Social Services, Minister for Border Protection and was first elected to Parliament as the Federal Member for Cook in 2007.

During his more than ten years in the parliament, the Prime Minister has established a reputation as a passionate advocate for his local community as well as a proven fixer for difficult policy problems in senior Cabinet portfolios.

As Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, he successfully stopped the boats. As Social Services Minister, he reduced abuse of the welfare system and put Australia’s social safety net on a more sustainable footing.

As Treasurer, his achievements include reducing the deficit, getting debt under control, maintaining Australia’s AAA credit rating, record jobs growth, cutting corporate and personal income taxes, ensuring multinationals pay their fair share of tax and reforming Australia’s banking and financial system.

The Prime Minister has represented the electorate of Cook in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire since 2007. He and his wife Jenny have two young daughters.

This event will be held under strict COVID-19 protocols and as such is not an open event for members or the public.  

The ACT Government has provided the National Press Club an approval for the continuation of our broadcast events subject to conditions.

Broadcast details:
Live on the ABC & Sky News at 12:30pm, Tuesday 26 May 2020.

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