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Ita Buttrose

Chair of the ABC & Patron of Macular Disease Foundation Australia
“Vision for a healthy ageing Australia” in support of Macular Disease Foundation Australia

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

National Press Club of Australia

Ita Buttrose AC OBE is a truly exceptional Australian: a legendary media trailblazer, businesswoman, best-selling author, committed community and welfare contributor and former Australian of the Year.

Ita is Chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and has been Patron of the Macular Disease Foundation Australia since 2005. She is a founding member and former president of Chief Executive Women, chaired Arthritis Australia from 2003 to 2006 and later Alzheimer’s (now Dementia) Australia from 2011 to 2014 and is now National Ambassador for Dementia Australia.

Ita has held executive and editing roles for major Australian media companies including Australian Consolidated Press, News Ltd and Fairfax, and has run her own media company, Capricorn Publishing. She has served on the boards of Australian Consolidated Press, News Corp Australia, and Television & Telecasters Pty Ltd. (Network TEN). She has worked in print, radio and television and has written 11 books. She was inducted into the Australian Media Hall of Fame in 2017.

In 2019 Ita became a Companion of the Order of Australia for her service to the community through leadership in the media, the arts, the health sector and as a role model.

She received an AO in 1988 for her services to the community especially in the field of public health education when she spearheaded Australia's HIV/AIDS Education Program, an OBE for her services to journalism, and a Centenary Medal for business leadership.

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