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Richard Spencer

Former Secretary of the US Navy
Address to the National Press Club of Australia

Monday, 20 March 2023

The National Press Club of Australia

Richard V. Spencer is the Former Secretary of the US Navy  & Global Chair of Bondi Partners, will Address the National Press Club of Australia. 

Richard V. Spencer is the Global Chair of Bondi Partners, an advisory and investment firm at the epicenter of policy, politics, and the private sector. Richard is also the Managing Director of Pallas Ventures, a private investment fund dedicated to growing dual-use technology companies. Most recently, Richard was the 76th Secretary of the Navy - sworn in to the office in August 2017 and served until November 2019. Prior to his public service, he was Managing Director of Fall Creek Management LLC which focuses on value enhancement of private companies through capital investment and advice. He is former Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE-ICE) the leading electronic commodity futures exchange. He served in that capacity from November 2001 through January 2008. Richard was the President of Crossroads Investment Management LLC from 1998 to 2001, a leading venture capital and private equity fund-of-funds investment firm. He joined Crossroads after working on Wall Street for 16 years. Richard also served in the U.S. Marine Corps as a helicopter pilot.

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