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Innes Willox AM

Australian Industry Group Chief Executive
Industrial Relations ‘Reform’ – the risks of unjustified changes and the need for a better approach

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

The National Press Club of Australia

Innes Willox AM, Chief Executive of the national employer association, Australian Industry Group, will Address the National Press Club of Australia on "Industrial Relations ‘Reform’ – the risks of unjustified changes and the need for a better approach". 

The Federal Government is in the midst of implementing some of the biggest changes to workplace regulation in a generation. Changes which will reach into virtually all Australian businesses and households.  Innes Willox - a leading national advocate for Australian industry - will tell the National Press Club that the purported case for the Federal Government’s numerous IR ‘reforms’ rests on illusions and that many of the changes will do more harm than good. To improve our IR laws and workplace rules we need an approach that will boost employment, productivity and competitiveness without putting our shared national ambitions and economic future at risk.

Innes Willox AM is an Australian business leader and former journalist, political staffer and diplomat. He has been the Chief Executive of the national employer association, Australian Industry Group, since 2012. His current appointments include Board Member of Australian Super; Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Skilled Migration; Chair of The Social Policy Group; and Board Member of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue.

He previously served as Australia's Consul-General in Los Angeles (2006–2008), as Chief of Staff to Foreign Minister Alexander Downer (2004–2006), and as Chief Political Correspondent for The Age in the Parliamentary Press Gallery in Canberra.

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