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Dr Andrew Forrest AO

Executive Chairman and Founder of Fortescue, Minderoo Foundation, and Tattarang
Power Shift: why clinging to our past will destroy our future

Monday, 26 February 2024

The National Press Club of Australia

Dr Andrew Forrest AO, Global Business and Philanthropic Leader, will Address the National Press Club of Australia on "Power Shift: why clinging to our past will destroy our future".

This address to the National Press Club by Dr Andrew Forrest AO will outline how a strategic ‘power shift’ from a fossil fuel-dependent economy to a renewable energy-led economy promises to deliver one of the most profound and enduring economic growth opportunities ever seen, particularly in regional Australia.

Dr Forrest will put the case that the shift to renewable energy should be seized as a pivotal chance to ensure Australia's prosperity. He will highlight that beyond being a crucial step for environmental survival, the economic benefits of the renewable transition offer a compelling case for bipartisan support.

This ‘regional green dividend’ promises vast job creation and new industries, especially in areas that have historically relied on fossil fuels. It offers a chance to distribute the economic benefits more broadly across the regions, changing the energy sector from one that benefits the few to one that benefits many.

Dr Forrest will urge politicians to lead the renewable energy charge with policy measures that take into account climate change in project approvals and highlight the risk of being sidelined and penalised as every OECD country invests billions of dollars in the step-up to renewables.

Dr Forrest will also highlight to industry the importance of a sensible rollout of projects that builds community trust, while working constructively with farmers who the nation will rely upon to support the transition. This partnership is vital for safeguarding Australia's food security, supporting farming communities, and ensuring a smooth, efficient rollout of the green energy transition.

He will present a vision for an Australia that leverages its abundant natural resources and innovative spirit to become a global leader in the renewable energy economy, ensuring lower cost of living, national prosperity and health for all Australians against the backdrop of climate urgency.

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