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Professor Sharath Sriram

Science Meets Parliament Address to the National Press Club of Australia

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

The National Press Club of Australia

Professor Sharath Sriram, will Address the National Press Club of Australia for the 'Science Meets Parliament Address to the National Press Club of Australia'.

Australia’s spending on economy boosting R&D has been decline for more than a decade. At 1.68% of GDP, we are now well below the OECD average of 2.7% and far behind the world’s top performers. This under-investment means we are failing to keep up with a transforming world and missing out on a long-term strategy to improve Australian prosperity and wellbeing. 

In this address, Science & Technology Australia President Professor Sharath Sriram will outline the opportunities to connect the innovation ecosystem towards getting to a target of 3% of GDP, and how it requires government, business and the education sectors to work together. He’ll also discuss his own story in how he created more than $9 million in commercial partnerships for his university. 


Professor Sharath Sriram transforms discoveries in materials science and electronics into products for high-speed electronics, sensors, and medical devices. He jointly leads the Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Sharath creates bridges between universities and business to commercialise Australian innovations into products, and as Director of the Discovery to Device Facility he enables entrepreneurs to create prototypes and scale-up the manufacture of medical devices. He is a leader in science research policy and advocacy and is currently President of Science & Technology Australia. 

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